Presenting the graceful and timeless Sulam Delima collection, meticulously curated in-house and woven with threads of love. Each stitch in this collection tells a unique story, featuring a detailed scallop embroidery in a "U" shape on the edge and one side with a minimal baby seam. The UMMA logo is also embroidered at the edge of the hijab to create that exclusiveness.

To achieve that classic look, it is crafted from textured chiffon, ensuring a soft and premium feel that glides smoothly over your skin. You have the flexibility to style it either with the scallop embroidery edge as the front or opt for the sleek minimal baby seam at the front – the choice is yours.

The material rewards you with very minimal ironing, saving you time in your busy schedule, while providing a beautiful long drape with a touch of elegance. Select from a stunning palette of 15 colors to bring your style vision to life – truly a masterpiece that everyone needs!

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Sulam Delima Photo 1
Sulam Delima Photo 2
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